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Important Update For JAMB 2014 Candidates.

Are you writing this year UTME Examination and you have selected CBT
(Computer Base Test) as your examination type then this post is for

Since you have no experience on how the questions are been set, how
they are been answered and how the questions look like. Thats why i
bring you this good news.

With only 2mb, you can download your JAMB and POSTUTME CBT pratical
software application straight to your andriod phones but its going to
cost you some cash. If you are intrested in this, kindly call
08102595676 for further enquires.

This software will help you prepare yourself againt your UTME
Examination that is coming up on the 17th of May, 2014.

Wish you guys best of luck.

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Important Update For JAMB 2014 Candidates. Important Update For JAMB 2014 Candidates. Reviewed by Funaab Guide on 3/08/2014 02:59:00 pm Rating: 5


Anonymous said...

if you did not write well and you want to upgrade your jamb score from 150 to 270 and your result is pending or withheld result call JAMB OFFICE ON; 08158738315

Anonymous said...

i saw something people saying one mr damian help them to upgrade their score so i decided to call mr damian number because this my 3 time of writing jamb and steel this year again i score 171 so i called mr damian and he ask me to send my exam details when i checked my result now it has been upgraded to 246,thanks mr damian my advice to jambites is don't stay at home this year call mr damian on 07055002711 he will upgrade your score

Unknown said...

Am so happy today for what God has done in my life, it's unbelievable because i never thought this will work, i saw a post online thanking Mr Felix Adewale for helping him to upgrade his jamb score and also saying that if any body need help, they should call Mr Felix number so that was how i took the number and call which he told me not to worry that he will upgrade my result for me. to my greatest surprise, i just check my result and guess what my score has been upgrade from 162 to 210 am so so happy that i can now process my admission and if there is any body out here who need this same help, call the right Man to help you on his number 08163392993 now for help and don't just call any number you see on the internet because is not every body that can help you some of them are scams only Mr Felix can help you out, Good luck.

jamb online said...

This is Good news for those candidates that sited for the
2014/2015 UTME, here is a very big opportunity for you to upgrade your jamb score. for
more informations contact MR BELLO on +2348165012935 or contact email

TO RELEASE YOUR JAMB UTME Withheld or Biometric Verification

mr davis said...

Good day friends I am mr Davis by Name, i was having problem with my WAEC result, mr Henry help me to release my waec that was withheld and upgrade them for me, now my Result is out and ok. i am very happy for wot God have don for me though mr Henry.
Mr Henry my God will bless you, my friends out there if you have any problem with your Result you can contact mr Henry on this number 07058634574, so that he can also help you to upgrade yours call him now.

mr davis said...

Good day friends I am mr Davis by Name, i was having problem with my WAEC result, mr Henry help me to release my waec that was withheld and upgrade them for me, now my Result is out and ok. i am very happy for wot God have don for me though mr Henry.
Mr Henry my God will bless you, my friends out there if you have any problem with your Result you can contact mr Henry on this number 07058634574, so that he can also help you to upgrade yours call him now.

Anonymous said...

Do you need help to upgrade your jamb result contact mr mark for help now and he will help you out ,.. 08073082462


Unknown said...

I just upgraded my 2015 JAMB result 2 days ago with the help of Mr Johnson i never thought this will be possible if only i have known this man all this while i have been writing Jamb for 3 years but all the same thank God i met him this year,i am so happy that my parents will for once know that I'm useful so I'm advising all jamb candidates if you are looking for whom will help you upgrade your JAMB or have biometric verification error just call him on this number 08166160502 he will help you as he did for me.

Miss Joyce said...

Thanks to Mrs Joyce for helping me to upgrade my jamb scores from 148 to 208,i say a very big thanks to him.when I thought there is no hope that is when he came fellow jambite if you have any problem related to upgrading or releasing of withheld jamb result pls all you have to do is to call him on 07055029151

Anonymous said...

JAMB CBT 2015 result checking and upgrading for assistance kindly contact 09030196465 or 09051208319 for help.
wow i am so so happy finally i make my name is Cynthia i am from Lagos state,i am one of the 2015 jam-bite candidate.i wrote my jamb on 10/03/2015,and i receive sms from jamb that i score 179 and my cut off mark is 200.i was so sad i could not tell my parent about it even when they ask me i told them that the result is not yet out.i was crying all day because i have being writing jamb for the pass three years now.i was so worried i have no option than to go to internet and i saw a post that if i want to upgrade jamb score that i should contact the following number,and i collect the number and save it on my phone.after two hours i call the person and i explain things to him. he told me not to worry that i should send her my details. after sending him my details, he told me to pay some money that i will receive sms from jamb, at first i was scared and i never believe him. i thought he was a scam but due to his advice, i later have little faith on him. i was so surprise after i sent the money he ask me to pay, few hours time i saw jamb sms on my phone and i open it with fear i see that my score has being upgrade from 179 to 235…i share this testimony because of those who are having the same problem to please contact Proff-Charles via 09030196465 or 09051208319. sir you will forever be bless once again thanks. So Call 08140128890 now to score above 250 and for checking and upgrading of score, Pending Results Issues call jamb head office on 09030196465 or 09051208319. for help This Is 100% Guaranteed, Interested candidates Should Tel: 09030196465 or 09051208319. Now! Charges Applies and 100%Guaranteed© Thanks to Proff-Charles Owede Paul i am grateful sir…..

Anonymous said...

JAMB CBT 2015 result checking and upgrading for assistance kindly contact 09030196465 or 09051208319 for help.
wow i am so so happy finally i make my name is Cynthia i am from Lagos state,i am one of the 2015 jam-bite candidate.i wrote my jamb on 10/03/2015,and i receive sms from jamb that i score 179 and my cut off mark is 200.i was so sad i could not tell my parent about it even when they ask me i told them that the result is not yet out.i was crying all day because i have being writing jamb for the pass three years now.i was so worried i have no option than to go to internet and i saw a post that if i want to upgrade jamb score that i should contact the following number,and i collect the number and save it on my phone.after two hours i call the person and i explain things to him. he told me not to worry that i should send her my details. after sending him my details, he told me to pay some money that i will receive sms from jamb, at first i was scared and i never believe him. i thought he was a scam but due to his advice, i later have little faith on him. i was so surprise after i sent the money he ask me to pay, few hours time i saw jamb sms on my phone and i open it with fear i see that my score has being upgrade from 179 to 235…i share this testimony because of those who are having the same problem to please contact Proff-Charles via 09030196465 or 09051208319. sir you will forever be bless once again thanks. So Call 08140128890 now to score above 250 and for checking and upgrading of score, Pending Results Issues call jamb head office on 09030196465 or 09051208319. for help This Is 100% Guaranteed, Interested candidates Should Tel: 09030196465 or 09051208319. Now! Charges Applies and 100%Guaranteed© Thanks to Proff-Charles Owede Paul i am grateful sir…..

estherrober said...

WOW...i am very excited today. My name is esther, from Lagos state, I have been a failure for the past 2yrs. I have been

writing jamb but always failing it. But this year, a miracle happened in my life. I was going through the internet when I

saw a comment on how Mr. frank helped a guy last year to upgrade his jamb score, I was so astonished, so I also contacted

Mr. frank this year because my jamb score was too poor, I had 186, so Mr. frank is a simple man. He upgraded my jamb score

from that 186 to 280. He has done a wonderful work for me. God bless Mr. frank for me. You can also contact Mr. frank on;

Thank you very much Mr. frank. God bless you and your family. ( 08108954406 )

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