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Check Your Semester's Result Online- FUNAABITE.

Attention to all FUNAABITE, you can now check your Semester's Result Online.

To Check Your Result Online, all you need is

1. Your Matric Number
2. Session
3. Semester
4. Secret Question and finally,
5. Answers to secret question

To get started, go to FUNAAB Semester Result-checker at /ResultChecker.aspx

We wish you the very best!!!

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Check Your Semester's Result Online- FUNAABITE. Check Your Semester's Result Online- FUNAABITE. Reviewed by Funaab Guide on 3/14/2014 11:44:00 am Rating: 5


Unknown said...

WAEC 2013/2014 Result Is Out!!! Check Now... 20% Wit-held call now for those that have withheld and want there result released and those that want to upgrade their various subject to higher grades should call WAEC OFFICER MR ADEKUNLE GEORGE ON 08109468820, FOR ASSISTANCE AND HELP ON HOW TO CHECK AND UPGRADE YOUR WAEC RESULT

Unknown said...

Hmm, is this a legal?

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